IMS - Biocleanroom
MicroFab Jetlab II - Jet Printer

Keywords: Georgia Tech, gatech, printing, patterning, microfab, cleanroom, organic, clean, room, ink, inkjet, dispensing

Equipment Description

The Georgia Tech MicroFab JetLab II table-top ink-jet microdispensing and printing platform, located in the Georgia Tech Biocleanroom, is useful for a wide variety of applications. Typical inks include polymers, adhesives, metallic nanoparticles, and biological materials, including diagnostic reagents, proteins, and DNA. As a non-contact printing process, the accuracy of ink-jet dispensing is not affected by how the fluid wets a substrate, and the fluid source cannot be contaminated by materials on the substrate. In addition, the ability to free-fly fluid droplets allows the fluid to be dispensed into and onto non-planar and complex structural features.

Institute Georgia Tech
Department IMS- Micro/Nano Fabrication Facility
Sub Tool Of
Georgia Tech Biocleanroom
System Specifications -200 mm x 200mm printable area

-Accuracy: +/- 15 microns

-Velocity: 100 mm/s

-Acceleration: 400 mm/s^2

-Pneumatics: 3 state pneumatic controller
Applications -dispense picoliter volumes of molten metals, electro-active polymers, bioactive fluids, chemicals for synthesis, optical polymers, etc
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